sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010


If there's one thing I know about myself,
is to hate any sort of farewell
I don't feel like things should come to an end just because one is away...
I do have a hard time to face that certain things do end
That there are people and places I'll never see again.
And laughs and moments that will never return.
It is difficult because it is unusual
And it is often sad because it is true
Sometimes I think there should be no end
We should just keep going the same way we begun
Of course there is no real end
But we do need to stop at some point and pick a new path
Maybe it is just myself that needs it
Since I would never be able to live in any other way
But maybe it isn't just me, I just can't see...
I feel afraid to face another shift
This will be completly new, indeed I know I need it
Or I wish I knew...
It feels hard and I am doing my best
To leave everything peaced out
Just in case...
Just because I don't know if I'll come back.

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