sábado, 9 de maio de 2009

she. 1

she was standing in the dark.it was possible to see the bright tears falling from her face. but she did not notice me. she never did, not after that. four years had passed since we stoped looking at each other. though i could not help but read her very own movements and expressions. after a few months i became an interpreter. one single smile with the correct look and hand shake would tell me more about her than an one-hour conversation. though none of my conclusions were tested, routine kept proving my knowledge. during all these years i was capable to understand, predict, feel. but right now, none of my theories fit. she seemed sucessful at last. from the past two years she had gotten herself a wealthy job. every wednesday a couple of friends gathered at her place for glasses of white wine. she had even gotten gerself a new car.all this wasnt enough. that was the first conclusion i was able to take, she was at the window now. i could see the little journal she wrote into every night. her careless caligraphy filled the pages up. for the first time i did not see her drawnings. just words, nothing but them, lots of them. then as a surprise lights came on.

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